Blackpool: Through the Brown Eye of the 5th horseman and out to Dante’s cesspit

Living in Blackpool, Lancashire

So you wish to give up on life and can’t afford the one way trip to Switzerland? You wish to go for the slow option, terminal decline along the Helter-Skelter to absolute oblivion? But how do you carry out the ‘slow’ option, a lingering, gradual death? Well there is one place that captures death in […]

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Is Poulton le Fylde, Lancashire a nice place to live?


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Is Cleveleys, Lancashire a nice place to live?


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Is Blackpool, Lancashire a nice place to live?


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Blackpool, a bog-log bobbing adventure by the sea

Living in Blackpool, Lancashire

I was enchanted as a child by the fairground wonderland of Blackers. The promenade, the pleasure beach, the trams and the illuminations. Now even the thought of visiting this 10th rate smack-****** ********, grotty, STD happy shi@hole, makes me rather have root canal work done! I think Blackers has a tolerance limit of 4 hours, […]

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Blackpool: The seaside hole of littered beaches and benefit bums

Living in Blackpool, Lancashire

There are so many wonderful things in Blackpool. The littered beaches, the adorable little orchin children, and the peculiar smell of fish from the council flat round the corner. People say you learn from your mistakes, but if that were true Blackpool wouldn’t have a population. Want to lighten your load? Well visit Blackpool, where […]

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Blackpool: The Seaside Town They Forgot To Close Down

Living in Blackpool, Lancashire

Blackpools a holdover from a different time. A time when every single one of us unlucky people were stuck on this awful island and flights to somewhere halfway decent was reserved to only the richest among us. Back then in these “days of yore” Blackpool was visited by all kinds of hard-working British families for […]

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Blackpool – Probably Britain’s Worst Place

Living in Blackpool, Lancashire

I have lived in some godforsaken places in my time but Blackpool really takes the biscuit. When I was a kid, it was a great place to visit – it honestly was. Now, it is a Third World hellhole populated by *****, ******* and other dodgy types. One in four of the town’s population is […]

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Blackpool: The less than salubrious Seaside

Living in Blackpool, Lancashire

Blackpool, although you may think it’s a jolly seaside resort with candy floss and donkeys, it is where transients come to draw benefits in a holiday resort instead of an inner city. Go back a few streets from the prom, and you will see the deprivation, the ghettos and the rundown pubs that make up […]

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Blackpool (******** of the world)

Living in Blackpool, Lancashire

Having lived and worked in Blackpool for the last 20yrs you could say ive seen some changes to this once ‘nice’ popular spot for families from everywhere. Over the years it just gets worse and worse, no jobs for anyone, no positive beneficial regeneration, no one gives a **** anymore about the place. Not only […]

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