Chulmleigh, Devon: Death by platitudes

Having had the pleasure of living in Chulmleigh for many years, I can say that it is nice. However, if you are looking for true local Devon folk, aside from those clustered in the cemetery, you won’t find too many.

Like other parts of North Devon, Chulmleigh has fallen victim to net migration from counties like Kent. Whether you are dogging or dog walking in Chulmleigh, you are bound to meet someone from Kent. At one point in its somewhat unremarkable history, Chulmleigh was blessed with 14 pubs, and streets allegedly ran red with the blood from local pub fights at the weekends. That hint of trouble and danger has long since gone, leaving in it’s wake just two pubs that are nice.

No self respecting small town in England would be complete without a sprinkling of ch@vs but even here the Chulmleigh ones are arguably not that bad. In fact, Chulmleigh people in the town overall are nice. Very nice. If you are looking for a nice meal in Chulmleigh, taste buds can still be tickled by visiting the local Indian Tandoori – a mecca for local foodies or the local Kebab House which is passable.

The core of the town is no bigger than a village and it’s nice. Even the new houses that encircle the town are not bad and dare I say even nice. The annual Chulmleigh Old Fair which takes place each year in the Summer months and lasts for a week is the high point in the local social calendar and it’s well…. nice. Although no longer as isolated as it used to be, driving to and from Chulmleigh down little country lanes still requires nerves of steel and, more sensibly still, an invincible SUV.

If you are a self employed tradesman, a divorcee, or a retiree looking to downsize and play cards with like minded nice people, you could do worse than Chulmleigh. It may well even be the Nirvana you are looking for. The town still has its own Post Office so if you want to send your friends a postcard from Chulmleigh saying how nice it is, you can. Nice!

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