Frome. World Class **** Hangout

Frome. I thought **** towns couldn’t get any worse than Portsmouth. How wrong I was.
Not only are nearly all the under twenties **** ****, but most of their parents are as well.
If you come to this town to check out the World Class **** Population go to the following “venues”
The Wheatsheaf (late nite young **** Stella hole)
The George (For the older, more discerning ****)
Level One (Fromes premier nitespot, **** Mecca)
If you want to immerse yourself in **** culture, as well as drinking in these beautiful environments you can also get a top **** job at Permaframe (for the record, everyone that works there is a ****, even the girls.)
The prospects for the **** in Frome are endless.
Should they ever hold a **** Olympics I would like to put in a bid now to hold it in Frome.

How grim is your Postcode?