Portsmouth – One Big Council Estate

I was reading through this website and I quite enjoy bitching about where i live so i thought “result” when I discovered an entire website designated to it…

I go to university in Portsmouth and I have to say, I never seen more *****. I live in a town called Wickford in Essex and if you look it up on here, you will discover how chavified it is (i made
up a word – i like it). Portsmouth though, outside of the studenty areas and the navy base is one great big council estate, it really is.

Somerstown is where my friend’s brother got smashed to bits by ***** so badly, he was in intensive care.
All because he wouldn’t surrender his mobile phone.

There’s a reason that it’s so bad there, this is my theory. They are attempting to get all the ***** on to the island, so that one summer, when the students aren’t there, they can break it off and let the f*ckers float out to sea and die, because there will be no direct supply of B&H Silver, Tescos own brand vodka, no petrol to fill up their Focus SRi and hairdryers on wheels they like to call mopeds,
and no KFC.

Thank you for reading my little rant. Ironic thing is, I can’t wait to go back!

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