
I recently moved from Belfast to Lisburn and I’m gonna be moving back to Belfast pretty soon (thank ****!!). When I lived in Belfast I thought it was bad for “*****” or “spides” as we call them in Ireland- boy was I wrong!
In Lisburn I would estimate there’s probably an 8:1 ratio of spides to normal decent people, it’s really not funny. 14 year old girls with gold hoop argos earrings (so big I don’t know how they hold their heads up!) pushing around double prams and spitting. Being threatened by 12 year olds at the bus-stop.
The spides normally hang around in one of three places generally- The food court of the shopping centre (only place you can smoke); The car park of the omniplex, where they ride about on their scooters that sound like hairdryers trying to look hard; or at sets of traffic lights for some reason.

About every third shop or so is a JJB sports or a lifestyle sports or some other generic sportswear shop. I really do think it must be sales of tracksuits that keep the local economy running!

Anyway all I can think to say about Lisburn is that I’ll be leaving soon- hurrah!!

How grim is your Postcode?

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