Whitstable aka Sh*tstable

Whitstable, a town full of nice little independent shops, a good harbour and lots of friendly people… until about 4:30pm, then the towns high **** population come out and turn the town to **** every night. It doesn’t seem to matter what day of the week it is, I have had beer bottles thrown at me at 5 ‘o clock on week nights for no reason. The problem just gets worse throughout the night, been out in Whitstable many times and most of these times there is someone off their face on booze or drugs who wants to sell me something or start a fight with me.

The main problem with ***** around here is that they always seem pissed off and think they have to take it out on anyone who isn’t them and their mates. These ***** can be seen basically anywhere in Whitstable, you can’t miss them, except maybe in Chestfield (the posh area), and Tankerton which is quite nice too.

It’s a wonder how there are always so many drunk people out in Whitstable as there isn’t even a single nightclub in the town. The closest thing Whitstable has to a nightclub is the brewery bar which I’m surprised is even still running as whenever there is a special event here, about ten fights get started and hundreds more people get stoned and pull whiteys. Other hotspots for ***** at night are the park, and the beach (seriously avoid the beach at night!).
I think if Whitstable did just open something for young people that is half fun, this problem wouldn’t be so bad.

Tourists have also made the problem worse as they have made the town an expensive place to live, forcing the locals to be poorer, so it’s no wonder a lot of the ***** here are so pissed off. Herne Bay which is right next to Whitstable, is known for being a bit rougher and this may be true in the day, but definitely not at night!

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