Leicester: not recommended as a holiday destination, I lived here

Is Leicester a nice place to live

Leicester, land of chicken bone covered pavements, dog *****, wobbly jawed accents, ch@vtastic fashion *cough* and miserable lined faces. This place is landlocked and joyless, with no redeeming features. The soulless shopping trolley filled canal that runs through the west-end has the odd duck and swan, lost en-route to sunnier climes, dodging the errant barges […]

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Hamilton the so called posh area of Leicester

Living in Hamilton, Leicester, Leicestershire

Hamilton so called posh area of leicester where if you are anything below middle class you are looked down upon like the inferior **** that you are. Everyone round here owns their own home don’t you know! Not. Also estate to some of THE worst drivers in leicester, for instance take a wander near the […]

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Is Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire a nice place to live?


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Is Loughborough, Leicestershire a nice place to live?


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