Wallington, Surrey – full of ***** and betting shops

Wallington! How could no one have mentioned it?

It is strange because it has a huge contrast of posh South Wallington and the rest is unbelievably rubbish. it used to be a lovely town – like the rest of south london. now look at it all!

There’s roundshaw, ahem, sorry – ‘Wallington village’. full of all the **** of the world looking for trouble and mothers in their early teens opting for an easy life on benefit.

if you wanna watch children ***** doing drugs and drinking cider – go to mellows park
if you wanna get jumped/mugged/flashed – go to Beddington park

I really don’t feel safe walking down the high street anymore, there are gangs of little **** s**ts waiting around to prey on vulnerable people.

At one time there used to be 3 pet shops on the high street, now there’s 3 BETTING SHOPS
i think we’ve got enough, don’t you??

I must mention the joys that are the whispering moon and john jackson. opposite each other, people will hop over the pedestrian barriers to get from one to the other.
u will see lovely well behaved topless men screaming at their bints running after them down the road, bloody fights in the street, screeching cars driving away, people copulating in the alley ways, urinating outside shops. oh yes, wallington is a very pleasant place at night time, and being a resident of the high street i get to witness it all

I’d love to hear other’s experiences with the wonderful hamlet of Wallington, please comment. Stay strong residents, stay strong – we cant all live in South Wallington eh!!

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