Karens tour of North Devon

If you are thinking of moving here to live by the sea in Devon while working in a job under £30’000 a year?? Then don’t!

What you’ll get is either a victorian slum that’s overpriced, or a nice apartment in a block full of holiday homes. And believe me, Karen’s will constantly belittle you for being renters. You’ll be happy on payday but only for one day a month. If the rent and bills haven’t crippled your finances, the cafes and restaurants here will!

Meanwhile landlords fill up the main supermarkets to purchase every pack of loo roll and Estralla beer before the next lockdown hits. Karens walking with no masks on and complaining about the peasants staying next door to them.

What about free things to enjoy like walking and the beach, I hear you say? Too late, Karen’s pets have pooped all over the beach, blocked the car park and if you want a bus to Woolacombe, it’s about £5000 return on the local bus.

Do not think about the South West Coast path!! Karens have to burn off the Italian food and booze, so they need to jog and they don’t care if you’re in the way… and you thought people just fell off the cliffs. Lol

Okay okay, how about a campsite? Maybe, but the elite will leave no room for your pitiful 4-man tent, as they park a caravan the size of Cargo plane right next to you.

To think I looked down on Skegvegas and Mablethorpe in my youth. I would much prefer to be there now.

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