The Isle of Portland: The jewel in Dorset’s butt cheeks

Is the Isle of Portland a nice place to live or is the Isle of Portland rough?

Portland: People often say “it’s lovely, all the sea views, all the views of the coast it’s beautiful”. I would like to point out that those are views of something that is NOT Portland.

Turn 180 degrees and look at the grey houses, the grey people with baffled expressions when faced with anything more modern than the 19th Century. It’s a uniform grey blob tastefully picked out with litter accents as if decorated by a gifted designer whose brief was “remove the soul from all who live here”.

Quite apart from being the place where one or two of the stupidest people in the country live, it is almost unfathomably odd…

Perhaps it has now affected me and I too will join the ranks of the baffled, staring at road signs wondering what they are for.

Must get out… before …too late.