Is Beaminster, Dorset a nice place to live?


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Axminster: The worst town I have ever visited!

Is Axminster a nice place to live or is Axminster rough?

I travel around a lot these days, and have visited countless towns and cities across the land. I’ve been to places where I witnessed seagulls eating fresh sick, places where the desolation rivals that seen in war torn Aleppo. Places where you’re lucky to get out alive after 7pm. Yet none of them compares to […]

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The Isle of Portland: The jewel in Dorset’s butt cheeks

Is the Isle of Portland a nice place to live or is the Isle of Portland rough?

Portland: People often say “it’s lovely, all the sea views, all the views of the coast it’s beautiful”. I would like to point out that those are views of something that is NOT Portland. Turn 180 degrees and look at the grey houses, the grey people with baffled expressions when faced with anything more modern […]

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Axminster – Blink and you’ll miss it

Is Axminster a nice place to live or is Axminster rough?

Axminster is one of those small towns that most people drive through but rarely stop in, in fact ever since the bypass was built you dont even need to drive through it, you can just avoid it completely! Axminster used to be famous for one thing, carpets. Most people would know what an Axminster carpet […]

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Seaton, Devon, is over-run with pensioners

Is Seaton a nice place to live or is Seaton rough?

Seaton is over-run with pensioners. Not the nice fluffy kind, the “get out of my way you snivelling little fool” type on their mobility scooters. They all live in bungalow-land in the north of the town leaving the town centre to a deserted shopping street and a gigantic Tesco, which is also only half full […]

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Bridport: historic idiot town

Is Bridport a nice place to live or is Bridport rough?

Bridport the historic tw@t town (it really says it on the sign on the way in) a town that has a bigger cover up rate than area 51. So maybe it says it’s a historic market town and the people are welcoming like a certain tv series on cbs reality called underbelly bridport has a […]

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