The Hell That Is Sunderland

I have to tell you of the Hell I witnessed called Sunderland. I was drawn there by an online romance. To get to my girlfriends house I had to drive through a salubrious little hamlet called PENNYWELL. I have seen a woman on the street in a dressing gown screaming obscenities at a man covered in blood with a ripped long-sleeved shirt while she hits him with a broom. This is at 9 Am.

I have seen grown men screeching up and down the road on motorcycles with no helmets on and toddlers sitting on the petrol tank. I have seen snotty-nosed kids with no shoes on. sitting on the pavement drinking lager and cider.

I thought I’d seen it all, but PENNYWELL in Sunderland is the one that tops it all.

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