Ashford, once a village, became ruined due to the airport

Living in Ashford, Middlesex

What a blessing for postal codes as most of our mail in the past ended up in Kent. Ashford once a village became ruined as did Stanwell just up the road due to the airport. The town is kept alive only just, by numerous nail shops, charity shops, 2 coffee shops, numerous takeaways, 2 chinese resturants, 2 indian restaurants. The town has a small Sainsbury’s not offering much, a tiny Tesco again not much good. The Co Op however is in my opinion much better. We do however have a greengrocer amd a butcher offering good quality meat and veg.

Brooklands have an Ashford campus this however is often under threat of closure which would be a severe loss to our town. Ashford hospital which has suffered many cuts in services losing the A&E department was a huge blow being so close to the Airport. A Tesco opposite. why it was called Ashford Hospital I have no idea as it is on the Stanwell side of the A30 I think they just used the old huts left over from the last was. The hospital has since been rebuilt.

We have retirement flats Mc Carthy & Stone built these some years ago too expensive for some. A council estate recently rebuilt quite nice in my opinion. Ashford has much to offer we have two big events a year Ashford On The map takes over a field for a huge funday well attended, also a Christmas event.

Ashford has one item not wanted and that is a prison for women formerly a remand centre this facility attracts drug dealers no one wants those in their town. Buses whilst we have many seem to run one after the other so missing one means a long wait. We have a train station often unmanned too many litter louts some dog owners I would like to put their face into the mess left on pavements. But the worse thing of all is bicycles too many ride on the pavements totally uncaring of any pedestrians it’s amazing people are not injured, you feel the rush of air as they ride past as if competing in a cycle race. I wonder why people who park on a dropped kerb meant to allow pedestrians to cross a road, if when you point out this to them become very aggressive.
I hate pavement parking when you cannot pass so have to wait to cross a road, in fact I thnk many motorists are totally selfish they come out of a side road as you want to cross it’s pouring with rain. Block roads trying to park for free as our council in their infinite wisdom decided the care park should no longer be free the result utter chaos.

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