Whitehawk & Moulsecoomb, Brighton, are third world areas of Sussex

Whitehawk and neighbouring Moulsecoomb are the third world areas of Sussex. There is nothing good that I can say about the ‘Hawkers’. The area is a dive. Hawkers have yet been able to grasp the English language. Instead, everything they say has to end in ‘innit’ or ‘nah, mate’.

The little **** kids think they really are something special, and the parents, well, they are a lost cause. Tattoo’d to the nines, more fat than you could imagine, cheap clothes that smell of cigarettes, body odour and have less intelligence than a concrete slab. They make Waynetta Slob look attractive in comparison.

Crime in this area is high – domestics, robbery, shoplifting, vehicle/violent crime are common. Even though the police try to restore order in the ****** little area, they are greeted with abuse. With the mere sight of anything police related people look out their windows, come out of their **** council houses, and the little scroats gather round trying to look hard in front of the police.

I had the ‘pleasure’ of working in Whitehawk for one night and was amazed at how idiotic a lot of the kids are. I was approached by a spotty Blazin’ Squad wannabe who called himself ‘the King’. The lad hadn’t even finished school. ****.

Baseball caps worn in an unfashionable way, Burberry, shell suits, Luis Vuitton, Reebok classics, McKenzie and lots of jewellery are the norm with chavlings. The boys have greasy hair that has been bleached with domestos and the girls have more colours in their hair than a rainbow.

Teenage pregnancy in the ‘Hawk is high. Example: Wayne shags Crystal for a dare one night when they attend a **** party, drinking White Lightning. Wayne boasts that he’s the ‘daddy in town’ for getting laid. Nine months later he is, only he is no longer around to adjust to fatherhood thus leaving Crystal to bring up Courtney/Casey/Bobby/Page/Britney or whatever the poor kid has been named with help from the social.

It’s rare to see a vehicle with four wheels or with valid car tax. If for some strange reason you have to venture into Whitehawk, don’t leave your car unattended. The ***** can sense fresh meat and will take your car or anything within it seconds after you have disappeared.

I could go on, but to sum it up – Whitehawk is a **** filled place, with no hopers who either already are or will end up on the dole.

I’m pleased that I live in Hove, even if it is only a few miles away from the Third World.

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