Harrogate – often described as where the posh folk live

Harrogate is often described as where the posh folk live. If posh means dining on fine cuisine of McDonalds, while ******* around on a variety of benches harassing innocent passers by, swearing and chain smoking with a can of Stella then they are spot on!

Not really sure how so many people could be so wrong about the status of one town. Harrogate is the most overrated skid mark on the underpants of society I have ever come across (at least Reading knows its sh*te).

The main areas for ***** in Harrogate are the bench outside the McDonalds and of course the ahem picturesque Valley Gardens. The beautiful stream flowing through which, is contaminated with hepatitis tainted **** piss, beer and cider cans, used condoms (although this is positive in my book at least they aren’t breeding) and used needles.

Struggling to spot a **** in Harrogate? Venture no further than Woolworths (usually on the back steps), BHS or Argos, failing in all three places can only lead you to the bus station or “busseh” as they so affectionately name it.

Nights out in Harrogate were always fun, I moved away a few years back but before I did Jimmy’s nightclub was the place to be. Feet sticking to the **** sweat coated floor, toilets filled with [allegedly] underage people performing [an act we can’t mention]. But I am getting ahead of myself! Before the club you have the wonderful Harrogate bar experience. Harrogate’s most popular bar is of course LLoyds no.1 and I am presuming now the Wetherspoons that they built. Other hot spots include Bar Med and in fact every other bar in the main part of the town.

The main reason I dislike this town so much, is that the ne’er-do-wells aren’t even acknowledged! Just because you get some poncey tw@ts in suits ******* about the nicer bars at lunchtime doesn’t make it a nice place. Wait til after school ends and they will be out in full force.

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