King’s Lynn: a prestigious gem reduced to a shallow genepool

Once the 2nd most important town in Medieval England, due to the Port, this once prestigious gem has been reduced to a **** breeding ground.

That should be ‘In’-breeding ground. Anyone who has the misfortune to be in Norfolk Street for a night out may wander haplessly into Doctor Thirsty’s – a theme pub of almost mind-blowingly **** proportions.

Turns out that Thursday nights are Karaoke, and I had a chance to witness a group of persons who looked like a close family but told me they worked at a company called Adrian Flux. This must be the only employer in the area other than the Gold counter at Elizabeth Duke’s.

One of their number who I believe went by the name of ‘Whisler’ represented the absolute epitome of **********!

This wonky eyed, sweat-sodden wannabe rock god actually thought he was in ******’ AC/DC. With howls of joy from the Fluxchavs he took to the stage and proceeded to shake his lardy, white, in-bred toosh all over the gaff.

This butt-muncher was an absolute howler and chatting with him post-song, he divulged his love of ‘The Coop’ – Alice Cooper. Also he played in a Glam Rock band whose claim to fame was playing the annual Chavfest – King’s Lynn Festival – on the same bill as Rolf Harris, which he said was a turning point in his life and gave his music more direction.

It turns out that this child-of-the Sixties who felt he had missed his calling as a Platform-booted megastar turns out to be only Twenty ******* Five!! With his Bobby Charlton wrap-over barnet I pissed myself as he took to the stage to serenade his extended family with some Bryan Adams ballad.

Total Class (less)



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