Bristol (Strangely Chavless!)

I had occasion to visit my daughter in Bristol a week ago & was instantly aware of something not quite right about the place. No *****! In my entire four day visit I saw not one baseball cap worn with the peak above the standard 90 degrees to the forehead. Tracksuit bottoms were worn outside of socks & even the local J.D Wetherspoons contained only regular folk enjoying a quiet drink.

On visiting some other local licensed premises, not one person enquired as to “What I was ******* looking at?” even though my accent betrayed me as a thicko Northerner.

We visited the Cribb’s Causeway shopping centre & again the place was Chavless. In my home town of Hull, security staff would be employed full time squeegeeing Burberry slime off the mall’s walkways & engaging in a spot of Scally slapping as they ejected the ******.

My question. What is Bristol’s secret? Does the local counsel employ full time **** exterminators or is there something more evil lurking unseen by daytime folk which has eradicated this blight of less fortunate cities?
If anyone knows, prey tell, & I will pass the information onto the city council of Hull

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