Cobham: A hole once you see past the nice facade

Is Cobham a nice place to live or is Cobham rough?

Cobham is a town full of posh mummies who walk around carrying skinny lattes and tottering around in ridiculously high heels with handbag dogs. In the main high street you have waitrose. If you aren’t going into waitrose to buy premium stuff you are looked down as a piece of sh*t by some of the […]

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Weybridge the wealthy town, but that’s just the council

Is Weybridge a nice place to live or is Weybridge rough?

Weybridge has always been seen as a wealthy town, a town for the rich and famous to reside but having lived in weybridge for quite a few years, it would seem [in the author’s personal view and not that of iLiveHere, take note EMC legal] the only real wealth is Elmbridge Borough Council. The rich […]

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