Tag: Salisbury
Is Salisbury, Wiltshire a nice place to live?
Is Amesbury, Wiltshire a nice place to live?
Shaftesbury – it’s great if you’re old and rich

Perched atop of the famous “Gold Hill” of the Ridley Scott Hovis advert, Shaftesbury has a high street of woe. A mixture of charity shops, coffee shops (last count 10 for a population of 5,000 odd) and gift shops for the grockles. If you need to buy something useful such as a paintbrush or a […]
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Salisbury: hole of Wiltshire

I have lived here for the past 17 years and have been witness to many unfortunate changes. Salisbury has always been renowned locally for being dodgy and generally **** but, in the last few years, things have really gotten worse. So much worse, in fact, that most people I know here avoid the town centre […]
Crime Statistics for Salisbury, Wiltshire, 2024
Salisbury – well there’s two types of people

I have lived in Salisbury my whole life – unfortunately. If you’re looking for somewhere to make your life seem longer, then this is the place for you. The days drag on at such an unbearable rate in this dull boring little ‘city’, I already feel twice my age. You will get some people who […]
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Salisbury: I spy with my 3rd eye

I have lived in Salisbury on and off for the last 12 years now and it becomes more and more backwards as the years roll on. Im originally from oop north and it still sends the ******* into a frenzy when they here your accent considering its a massive army town. It’s groundhog day, Royston […]
Andover: gulag of Hampshire

Andover has to be THE most depressing town in the northern hemisphere. Twinned with basra it’s a literal melting pot of teenage mums/squaddies mattresses and blag pretend hard men. Half are wannabe squaddies who thinks the world owes them a living. They strut around the town centre with their pigeon chests puffed out and rab […]
Warminster, the hidden sh*thole of roadmen and squaddie mattresses

You would think a quiet town in Wiltshire with nothing in it, nor surrounding it, would generally be a well kept, peaceful town for the elderly to await their inevitable death. However, this is far from the case in Warminster. There are perhaps four main demographics that exist in Warminster. All with their own sub […]
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Salisbury… Dear God, what a boring, depressing dump!

Salisbury… the sort of place people emigrate from to avoid. I have recently been posted to this dump and have already applied to be transferred to anywhere but Wiltshire. The town (they call it a city because of the cathedral), trust me, it’s a big market town and full of ignorant bigoted thick Wiltshire people […]
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Socio-economic statistics for Salisbury, Wiltshire