Keighley: a portrait of a town at its very worst

Living in Keighley, West Yorkshire

So when you walk into Keighley, the first thing you’ll see is gum and spit everywhere. Your first step will already have gum on your shoes and in your hair (somehow). Don’t go to any of the shops, inside you’ll find that they are filled with teenage drug dealers. Also don’t go onto Cavendish street […]

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Keighley: the most depressing and dull place I’ve ever encountered

Living in Keighley, Yorkshire

“You’re not local, are you?” I couldn’t make it up… I’ve just returned from my second and last visit to Keighley. I have never encountered such a depressing, unfriendly and dull place in my life. The more time I spent there, the more I felt I was trapped in some groundhog day loop of repeating […]

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