St Helens – Parr

Hi – i have read the post about parr and i have to say its terrible! I dont come from parr  but bought my house here – its the only place we could afford and i knew the area would be bad when we moved here HOWEVER I REFUSED TO FEEL VICTIMISED BUT some of the post is utter rubbish – what has this person done to try to alter things bugger all i expect.  I LIVE on MOUNT PLEASANT – and if you dare to tar me with the same brush your off your head! I’m the fool that bought a new house there so am thought to be rich!  There arent gangs round here now! WHY because I complained! to those people who apparently take those young kids up the ****!  How vial! How dare people sit here and complain without getting off there **** to DO something.  If your prepaired to sit back it cant bother you too much more people need to get involved and say what behaviour is acceptable and whats not – I havent put my self in danger,  and i most certainly am not a **** – there are a select few that blair music out and there are youngsters that play in the street and people smoke crack on the streets its a sad sad sorry state but IT IS NOT AS BAD AS THIS PERSON MAKES OUT compaired to 12months ago when we moved here I could even call it peacefull at times and not just before mid day before the teens have woken up!

How grim is your Postcode?