primrose valley {holiday park} nr scarbourgh

billed as haven’s hot spot in yorkshire,but its actually just a **** magnet for scotland {**** to us scots}.

the place is nicely situated being 2-3 hrs drive from edinburgh / glasgow so the ***** in thier novas / escorts can actually make it there without breaking down, once on site they can revel in the overcrowded cespit that proports to be a holiday village, you are provided with a map that has no resemblence to the actual layout of the place with tiny road like surfaces mainly populated by the trakky wearing pram pushers smoking **** while shouting at burberry wearing pissheads on thier way to the funworks entertainment center for more alcohol.

when they get past the security {usually half cut *** smoking fat ******** who are eyeing up the trakky moms} they make for the bingo while leaving 3-4 of thier brood to run amok in the arcade until the parents {or at least the people who brought them to the site} stumble out of the place pissed as newts ready to have an argument on the way back to the caravan {thus waking everyone else up}. once back to the HOME they blast out ***** on the stereo until 2-3 am then they collapse and get some sleep until 3-4 the next day.

How grim is your Postcode?

shechav will then sit in the overcrowded / not working laundromat smoking **** and children running about until its time to go back to funworks and start it all again.

posh ***** will book a lodge {these resemble 60’s concrete council boxes and invariabley stink of piss} but you do get to park your nova outside!

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