
I’llsborough (as we’d call it ere in sheffas) is the greatest **** hangout in Sheffield. It attracts young scallies, who like to sit outiside chatanooga pizza’s with a ***- shaking with a niccy rush- dropping greasy fries all over the wet pavement.
If u go ”down the ball” u will see ***** at their best- glammed up blondies wearing mini skirts and glitzy pink tops screaming along to ”jump- for my love” and let me rock u chaka khaaaan!!! whilst beefy boxer types stand round this side drinking cold guinness looking at the footy on the plasma screen. dont go in here if ur a student- ui will be found out to be a ”soap dodger” and u will get hammered. Dont forget the golden rule- sheffield people are nice until you push infront of them at the bar….

How grim is your Postcode?