***** in hot water: astley village/lancashire

This was fantastic, anyone who knows astley village in the town of chorley will know of its rampant **** problem. The villiage has 1 bit of shops with a bridge nearby. Every days especially around weekends a massive group of ***** hang around outside the shops, hurling abuse at people and drinking cider ect. As the evening draws on these ******** move to underneath the bridge so they can **** people up without being caught on camera and make a quick exit if needs be. Over the years countless people have fallen prey to them and they never seemed to get their come-uppance until one night last year that is. As they set about their usual business of beating people up one night it seems they picked on the wrong guy. The young man that ended up in hospital it seems had a very close family and when they arrived at the hospital to see him they got very upset. Later on that night a group of men, accompanied with dogs and carrying bats decended on the bridge. suffices to say that when the young man came out of hospital he was greeted by an ambulance screetching to a stop and 2 of the leader ***** coming out of the back with oxyagen masks on. It seemed the ***** were to eager to appologise and ‘make it sound’ when they realised they had picked a fight with people that were more than willing to fight back. A guy was in the police station that night and heard the police laughing that the guys had ‘finally got their come-uppance’

How grim is your Postcode?