Bognor Regis is the only place I know that has a clear class divide

Is Bognor Regis a nice place to live or is Bognor Regis rough?

They should rename this town Morrisonville, seeing that the town is dominated by this supermarket. Awards should go to all the councillors, past and present, who knocked down all the buildings of character and replaced them by ubiquitous blocks of seaside apartments. Some bright spark in the 70’s also got rid of the sandy beaches, replacing them with pebbles.

Bognor Regis must be the only place I know that has a clear class divide: the wealthy live in Flelpham and Middleton on one side of the town or Aldwick on the other, leaving the centre to ordinary folk. I can only conclude that the wealthy must do their shopping in Chichester (6 miles away). The result: schizophrenia in terms of demographics. Funny place.