All in all Blackpool is a bit rubbish

Is Top 10 worst places to live in England a nice place to live or is Top 10 worst places to live in England rough?

Up until the 80’s the town was still marginally habitable and family friendly. Nowadays it’s just an open sewer on so many levels. It has (unsurprisingly) the biggest drug problem in the country (yes, even bigger than Britain’s most renowned city’s) which is remarkable considering the fact it still doesn’t have a high enough population to be classed as a city.

In a desperate move, the council appeals every couple of years for Cackpool to be classified as a city, in order to gain more publicity for tourists, yet fails every time. Then again, the drug issue should come to no surprise due to the poorly regulated nightclubs, for there will always be a handful of corrupt doormen who allow the ner’do’wells to slip through. Such nightclubs will always attract these generic, drug-dependents who severely lack the confidence to be themselves. Then again, how dare people not have a good night out without the right to knife someone without provocation, or in order to “pull” that bottom-barrel, easy going leftover of the night, via impressing her, followed by an unlicensed dog-meated kebab for afters. Add to this the large groups of loudmouthed, overconfident, binge-drinkers who arrogantly refuse to acknowledge their lifestyle to be a form of alcoholism (if not worse). Still, they only tend to see sense by the time they reach their 30’s, by which time they cue in line for a kidney transplant, if lucky.

After 6pm many swinging parks tend to be inhabited by large gangs, particularly on weekends. I’d like to use to use the term “youths” to describe them but they are clearly in their late teens to early 20’s, even mid 20s. Disturbingly, such groups will “tag” these playgrounds as their domain. The most pathetic of sights is to watch them shamelessly chat up groups of 14 year old girls who watch on in wide-eyed amazement as aforementioned adults arrogantly recite their criminal record, or at least, what they claim to have “done time for”.

One root of the problem is clearly the council. They would rather squander millions on useless, hideous sculptures that are placed randomly on the promenade and town center, with the sole purpose of being vandalised just for looking the way it does.

The cherry on the cake being is that they are now trying to turn Blackpool into a European version of Las Vegas, not taking into account the further problems it would cause with all of the benefit fraudsters and drug addicts it would attract by default. Additionally, the council gets paid substantially to re-house incurable criminals from all over the country, ranging from aggressive addicts, ASBOs, alcoholics and last but not least – p***philes . Naturally, these decisions make decent tenants kick up about the safety of their children. but such complaints always get rebuffed.

The 2 worst areas are, in order, Grange Park and Queens Park. In a bizarre move, many vulnerable single mums are located to Grange park and often become victim of endless harassment and anti social behavior by their less than welcoming neighbours. Queens Park on the other hand was so bad that there is now an office of security guards patrolling the area on a daily basis. This however never seems to prevent booze fuelled fights breaking out on weekends. On a regular basis these security guards have bricks thrown at them from a safe distance, and are met with constant taunts and verbal abuse by gangs of youths for not allowing the estate to be run down. Initially the company that employs them had a few corrupt guards who actually let junkie **** through on grounds of personally knowing the drug addicts, who wanted to gain access to the blocks to meet their dealers. In turn this made the problem worse. On top of this these handful of corrupt guards had the nerve to berate decent (often vulnerable) tenants just to make it look like they where doing their job. Thankfully they got rightfully fired, albeit not punished.

The problem with such areas is the abhorrent “grassing” code that so many adhere to. If you report someone for committing a crime, you get vilified and harassed. Yet any experienced cop will tell you that many of these who claim to adhere to this code would sell out their friends under the right circumstances in a heartbeat, such as getting a “hit” (i.e heroine) or just to save their own skin.

Also, it would appear that bus shelters and phone boxes have some sort of strong, magnetic material mixed into the glass that strongly attracts baseball caps and track suits, to the point of getting smashed up on impact, or so the wearers of such attire will have you believe.

My greatest sympathies goes out to the (legitimately) homeless, who are treated worse than dog sh*t by uppity middle-class ***** and superiority-complex ridden ner’do’wells alike. When not having their nose turned up by the former, they are kicked when down, spat on, urinated on, or (in some cases) set on fire for sport.

For those delusional people who want to deny there is a problem, (usually spouted by those who don’t even live here) please do the required research on all my claims, particularly the part on how more p***philes are re-housed here than anywhere else in the country for “protection”, despite them re-offending time and time again.

All in all Blackpool is a bit rubbish